Favorite Equine Images of 2007

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jack McDonald Stables

I had the pleasure of spending last Sunday with Jackie and the boarders and staff of Jack McDonald Stables.  I was there for a shoot for Pittsburgh Professional Magazine.  We managed to turn the day into a lot of fun, even though the weather was less then ideal.  At Jack McDonald Stables they specialize in Arabians and Dressage horses.

Though a very serious and respected stables, you can see that they also are very serious about having fun.  Here we see Jackie with one of the horse at the stable.  
This horse and rider combo impressed me to no end.  This is a youngster with a rider and owner who was a grandmother.  If you watch these two together, you can tell how bonded they are.
Since Jackie also trains Dressage horses, she gets other breeds besides Arabians and Arab crosses.  Here we see one of her junior riders with a Friesian mare that is in training with her.

Here we see one of her boarders and her husband, along with their own personal horse.  You can just tell by looking that both her boarders and horses are quite happy there.

This gelding is amazing to watch move.  He's going to be a horse to watch when he hits the show rings in the next few years.
Although Christy can no longer rider her mare, due to health problems with the mare, you can tell how much they care for each other and how alike they are.

This set was another set that amazed me.  This mare was underweight when her owner bought her.  You can see what some love and TLC can do for a mare like her.

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